
FREE Clips

We are continually on the lookout for P plate and L plate drivers in our travels.

We've taken photos of you, when we can, so that we can hopefully save you a possible fine or at least make it easier for you to clip your plates on...

If you can find your car/bike/truck on one of these pages, then you came within our radar and we'd like to offer you a FREE set of clips.

Simply contact us with your licence plate number for verification and we'll mail you a FREE set of clips.

...and don't forget to include your postal address.


FREE Clips

Is your car here?

Have a look on these pages to see if we've seen you.

arrow pointing right L's and some of those bracket things are here. L plate
arrow pointing right Check out the red P platers we've come across. red P plate
arrow pointing right If you're on your green P's then have a look here. green P plate
arrow pointing right And then there are some that we call a mystery. hidden plate